ADA CERP Information Requirements
A. Speaker: Dr. Paula Aucoin
B. Sponsors: Berkshire District Dental Society
C. Title: "Infection Control Update For Dental Practitioners"
D. Description: Review of OSHA recommendations and strategies to prevent transmission of infectious pathogens to patients and staff from blood borne, air borne and vector routes of spread
E. Educational Objectives: Review risks both to staff and patients from regular dental care and recommendations to prevent transmission of infection
- Provide guidance on office compliance with CDC recommendations for dental infection control
- Update specific guidance regarding pandemic coronavirus transmission in medical and dental settings
F. Teaching Methods – Virtual Lecture* Zoom (link provided day of to those registered)
G. Sponsorship – (none)
H. Contact Person: Holly Rohlfs-Heck – [email protected]
a. Berkshire District Dental Society uses the company Ticket Leap for all registration.
I. Course Instructor/Qualifications: Dr. Paula Aucoin
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases
Medical School
Georgetown University School of Medicine
St. Vincent Hospital, MA - Intern/Resident
UMASS Medical Center - Fellow
J. Refund/Cancellation Policy: postponements or cancellations are decided on a case-by-case basis.
K. Location: Virtual Meeting: zoom link provided day of event*
L. Date: Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
M. Time: 6:00pm BDDS Business; 6:30 Lecture start time*
N. Number of Credits: 2